
Customer Support


Privacy Policy


Your information won’t be shared with anyone, we promise. Online payments for invoices can raise trust concerns, and because we value our customers’ concerns, we urge them to check an agency’s licensing and ATOL and IATA protection before doing business with them.

The security of the personal information you supply is what www.eliteumrah.co.uk prioritizes. information that can be used to identify a specific person, such as name, address, phone number, or email address.

You can learn more about our informational process and our capacity to supply Hajj & Umrah packages with any of your personal information by visiting our website, www.eliteumrah.co.uk, before your trip.

Data Gathering

Customers willingly provide all information, which is kept completely private. We communicate with them through the Secured lines. Our phone calls are taped for the benefit of training and quality.

Utilization of your private Information

By using your information, www.eliteumrah.co.uk can fulfil your trip request in the most efficient and effective manner.

Complete data security

With the exception of our service providers, who are our partners in providing you with the greatest services worldwide, we neither share nor sell your information.

If you don’t opt out of our marketing lists, we will continue to send you promotional emails with the greatest offers available on the market via www.eliteumrah.co.uk . In order to provide you with the greatest deals, we will send you the price along with our marketing materials.

You can unsubscribe from our email at any time to stop receiving the wonderful offers made both manually and electronically by www.eliteumrah.co.uk.

Your purchases from will always be mentioned in your mailings.


We safeguard the privacy of our clients’ personal information. Your trust in working with reputable agencies is increased by www.eliteumrah.co.uk use of cutting-edge security technologies to protect your personal information.

Purchase of travel

When paying with a credit card for travel services, www.eliteumrah.co.uk will request identifying verification, such as a driving licence or the billing address. In order to guarantee your order and reservations for your flight, hotel stay, or rental car, we also need information from your credit or debit card, including the number, type, issue, and expiration date.

Exchange of information

In order to fulfil your expectations, the information obtained from the client may be forwarded to staff or a supplier located outside of the European Economic Area (EEA).

Sharing Information

Any of our workers who accept payments must do so through the company account or the link we offer to you.
Any personally identifiable information given with the client’s approval enables the data. The protection and security of your personal information is a top priority for www.eliteumrah.co.uk
Complete security precautions are in place on this website to guard against theft, alteration, and misuse. The data shared by the customer is in absolute security. We deny any unauthorized person access to your data.


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